Pangaea Co-op


Pangaea Co-op

A co-operative is a democratic organisation that is controlled by its members, who actively participate in setting policies and making company decisions. Pangaea operates as a hybrid (multi-stakeholder) co-operative - combining elements from both a consumer and a worker co-operative business model. 

A hybrid co-op is a trading enterprise that provides goods and generates profits; however, company profits aren't taken by outside stakeholders, as with many investor-owned businesses. Instead, company profits are under the control of its members; who decide how profits should be used in a democratic manner. 

Co-ops use their profits to invest in the business, social purposes, the education of its members, and in the development of the community and environment. Co-ops also provide information and training for their members, elected representatives and employees, so they can contribute effectively to the development of the co-op.

Pangaea members have equal voting rights - one member, one vote. When making decisions, our members who are our customers, represent 50% of the voting power; the other 50%, will be represented by our members who are our employees.

Initially, the Board of Directors (BoD) at Pangaea will consist of three members: one customer, one employee and the CEO. The standing BoD, will be elected by our members, and drafted based on their knowledge and skillset. 

Benefits of becoming a member


Our employees will receive a 10% discount on our products; paid time off work; an annual patronage dividend corresponding to the number of hours/days worked; a Pangaea membership card; voting rights - specifically, on which organisation(s) receive our donations; community elections; education and training etc.


Our customers will receive a 10% discount on our products; a Pangaea membership card; an annual patronage dividend corresponding with the retail price of purchases made with Pangaea; voting right - specifically, on which organisation(s) receive our donations; community elections; education and training etc. 

* The annual dividend, can be used as credit on future purchases and becomes unredeemable on the 31st of December - a year after the date of issue. 

How to become a member

Please follow the next steps, if you are interested in becoming a Pangaea member:

1. Locate the contact page on our website

2. Add your name and email address to the message

3. Add 'co-op membership' as the message subject

4. Add the following details, in the message: Title, First and Last Name, Date of Birth, Post Code and Email address

5. Send your request 

Once you have submitted your request, we will send you an email to confirm that we have received your application.

At this point, we will also provide you with more information on our co-operative business structure, company philosophy, future plans and payment options; via email. 

* A Co-op membership costs £5 per year. 

What's next

Pangaea would like to use the power of a co-operative business, to build a community of like-minded people, who share a similar world vision and common interests. 

Eventually, we hope to build our brand into a community that has enough resources to donate a large percentage of our gross sales to NGO's, foundations and other non-profit organisations, through awards and grants. 

* Please contact Pangaea if you are interested in becoming a member of our co-op.