Pangaea Co-op

About Us

About Us

Pangaea was established in 2021 during the coronavirus pandemic; a time during which our motto - “A World United” - was never more appropriate. 

Our goal is to provide people with sustainable outdoor, lifestyle, health and travel products, that are both functional and hard-wearing.

Our hope is to develop Pangaea into a community of like-minded ethical consumers, who share a passion for the outdoors, healthy living, nature and the well-being of our planet.

Pangaea was a supercontinent that assembled from earlier continental units approximately 335 million years ago and began to break apart roughly 175 million years ago.

Mission and Values

We’re in business to encourage and support the development of a sustainable and just society for all.

We strongly believe in the transition towards a net-zero future and do everything we can to follow the message we spread. 

We believe in helping the world transition towards a greener, cleaner and healthier future, for all of humanity and for the coming generations. 

We want to raise awareness, provide information and initiate conversations on societal issues and environmental degradation.